I wonder what it will take for the moderate Republicans, the ones disgusted by Trump and his cronies, to not skip the polls this November, but to show up, to bite the bullet, and to vote for Democrats. Staying home may sound more attractive. Third-party candidates may seem more attractive. But if you really want to send your message of disapproval of what your party has become, crossing the aisle and voting Democrat will accomplish that better than any other way.
I'm not saying this as a Democrat. I used to consider myself a Republican. I still have some conservative leanings, especially with regards to a smaller federal government. But I could not stay in a party that would choose to abandon its principles to cater to the hate-mongering of Donald Trump. I could not stay in a party that embraced the racially-motivated detention and deportation of undocumented workers. I could not stay in a party that purported to stand for family values and yet put forward a candidate who had not only cheated on all of his wives, but has been accused of and bragged about sexual assault. I could not stay in a party that would support a man who clearly suffers from narcissism (and probably several other personality disorders as well) to be the Commander in Chief of our armed forces and the face of our nation to the world.
You could say I abandoned the GOP, but not before the GOP abandoned me.
So much as I still hope to some day see a smaller, more efficient federal government, unless and until the GOP can reclaim some sort of morality and oust not only Trump but all those who have supported him, my votes are with the Democrats, even if my heart is with the Modern Whig party.
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